Obion County Board of Education
April 8, 2013

Agenda Item: VIII.G.

Consider/Approve NEO 2 SmartOption Mobile Lab Bid

Background Information:

In addition to advertising, we solicited bids for the purchase of five (5) NEO 2 SmartOption Mobile Labs (specifications attached), one (1) for each elementary school. The primary purpose of the mobile labs is to teach keyboarding to students at a younger age. Additionally, students can take Accelerated Reading test, and reinforce their writing and math skills with these labs. Funds are available for this purchase within the Federal First to the Top Fund budget for the current fiscal year as previously approved by the State. We received one (1) bid for this purchase. The bid is summarized on the bid request tally sheet. The sole bid received was from

Renaissance Learning, Inc. – $2,925.83 per lab and $111.30 per unit

Staff Recommendation:

I recommend approval of the bid received as submitted by Renaissance Learning, Inc. in the amount of $2,925.83 per lab and $111.30 per unit. Total cost for five (5) labs is $14,629.15.